You're right, like with private schools which don't have public school rules against repeating grades for non-academic reasons the current club lacrosse scene has no age rules for grade based teams. That is the problem. Club lacrosse is not a scholastic sport. Other youth sports are age based for good reasons (fairness, safety, simplicity, etc.). Your point isn't a valid point. Of course club owners at least tacitly encourage holdbacks by doing grade based teams to begin with. Many clubs go beyond that to counsel kids and parents to reclassify to gain a recruiting edge. It does come down to parents seeing and then doing it for an advantage, but that does nothing to argue that the clubs are providing this forum with clean hands. The argument that anyone who has a problem with it should just have their kid go play another sport is also an argument around the point -- and not one that addresses the point.

Another great way to make sure Baltimore and DMV kids keep contesting college lacrosse rosters and "getting committed" in 8th or 9th grade is to keep this exact system in place. It will be effective to drive other kids out of the sport and bring it back to the third tier preppy sport in a few small locales people laughed at 10-15 years ago. Youth lacrosse could be like soccer in terms of wide popularity and participation for both boys and girls, but it just sounds like the B'awlmore old farts want their 1980s sport back.