Originally Posted by Anonymous
Great post... I agree. Some programs do get it right... FCA is pretty good at keeping perspective. There are some great lacrosse players in the FCA program - dont get me wrong. But for the good to middling players (my kid), he gets a chance to compete, play a great game, and prep himself for his high school team where the kids really do play for each other. But again... I agree with your post.

I should look into FCA for my younger son. Just need something else for him after watching this circus for my older one. Does FCA do multiple teams in case my younger boy is not strong enough to make the main team as an average player? At the young ages it makes no sense to cut off the kids who are not the top 8 or 9 year olds. I get that for older ages doing one team is neeed. Do more teams for the little guys. [/quote]
Can you let us know what evil poorly run club your older son plays for? I have watched tons of club lacrosse and even for the high school only tournaments that do not have brackets I see all the kids and coaches caring about winning and trying to do everything they can to win games that do not even get you to a championship game. Correct after the game is over the kids are over it if they lose or win in about 2 mins. But I think that is what all travel ball should be. To play hard and try to get better. But like its always been the high school games are the games that should hurt or feel better when the team wins. But fall and summer should be about playing hard and getting better as a player. And that means playing team ball and the top teams I see all play team ball even the ones with 4 to 8 D1 kids.