Originally Posted by Anonymous
Honest question as we are new to this. If you go to the Yellow Jacket alumni tab on their website, it says almost 65-75 kids have committed in each of the last three years. Does that mean almost every single kid is playing in the college listed or at the very end they just list the college the girls are attending. The list kind of implies that no kid chooses not to play in college and that everyone from the 3rd team is playing in college? Would love to know what percent of the 75 actually are on college teams and what percent got money. It is a very impressive number of girls

It is mostly an unspoken topic, no will really come out and say how much (if any ) athletic money their girl received. The commitment list is just that, girls make a verbal commitment at some point during their high school career to a specific school and this gets posted. If said kid ever plays for that team, for the most part, no one really knows. They can “de-commit “ for various reasons , academic, injury, etc..
The high profile girl everyone knows is easy to track, just check the rosters of Florida, Notre Dame and Stony Brook for some recent YJ alumni.. the girls that go to smaller/less high profile lax colleges may not play past freshman year.. but who cares they used lax to get in to a school they may not have based on other factors.
Certainly no one (other than the parents) track all these kids