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Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
IMO, most attackmen were once midfielders that showed a high aptitude for getting to the net. Maybe it's their fast first step and ability to beat a defender. Maybe it's their quick release and ability to place the ball. I'm not saying they're better than midfielders, they are just much better scorers. Now, if you can find an attackman that is great on ground balls, assists as well as he scores, rides hard and causes turnovers, then that kid is probably the most valuable player on the team.

And to say defenders are not skilled shows a complete lack of knowledge about the sport. It's just a completely different skillset, and for the most part, they are just really tough SOB's (metally and physically) that have a drive to stop players.

You are in total agreement with the previous poster, just more sugar coated.


Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Every top team (Taz, 91MD, Bethesda) has at least one defender that is the same size as Madlax's middie. If the Madlax middie played D, nobody would say a word. When he dominates in the offensive zone, everyone starts hating on him claiming he has an unfair size advantage. If you ever get the opportunity to hang out with Myles Jones, he will tell you similar stories. When Myles (like Paul Rabil) switched from basketball to lacrosse, his coaches gave him a long pole and told him he couldn't play offense. For the sake of the game, I am glad he proved them wrong. When youth coaches take all the little kids and give them short sticks, and give all the big kids long poles. They are robbing the game of some of the best offensive players.
wow . He is a good player , let's not get crazy .

Listen up jealous, big-kid dad. You obviously never played lacrosse. Let me tell you how lacrosse works, as a 15 year youth coach and former D1 player. The best players play attack. The good players play midfield. The least best (worst) players play defense. Size doesn't have much to do with it. There are plenty of big attackman out there, in case you haven't been paying attention. News flash: Your kid just aint good!!!

That may be the most misguided post I have ever read. Here comes the typical name calling, lax resume, or well worded, long winded (I am smart) respose. Brace for it. Lol.

I agree , When they are young, 7-10 that maybe the case. After that Strong defense and Midfield and attack win games. You need them all to be strong . That's why it's a team sport . Would not want to be my D1 coach.

No idea of what your point is or who you are agreeing with. Want to try that again???

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Every top team (Taz, 91MD, Bethesda) has at least one defender that is the same size as Madlax's middie. If the Madlax middie played D, nobody would say a word. When he dominates in the offensive zone, everyone starts hating on him claiming he has an unfair size advantage. If you ever get the opportunity to hang out with Myles Jones, he will tell you similar stories. When Myles (like Paul Rabil) switched from basketball to lacrosse, his coaches gave him a long pole and told him he couldn't play offense. For the sake of the game, I am glad he proved them wrong. When youth coaches take all the little kids and give them short sticks, and give all the big kids long poles. They are robbing the game of some of the best offensive players.
wow . He is a good player , let's not get crazy .

Listen up jealous, big-kid dad. You obviously never played lacrosse. Let me tell you how lacrosse works, as a 15 year youth coach and former D1 player. The best players play attack. The good players play midfield. The least best (worst) players play defense. Size doesn't have much to do with it. There are plenty of big attackman out there, in case you haven't been paying attention. News flash: Your kid just aint good!!!

That may be the most misguided post I have ever read. Here comes the typical name calling, lax resume, or well worded, long winded (I am smart) respose. Brace for it. Lol.

I agree , When they are young, 7-10 that maybe the case. After that Strong defense and Midfield and attack win games. You need them all to be strong . That's why it's a team sport . Would not want to be my D1 coach.

No idea of what your point is or who you are agreeing with. Want to try that again???

LOL. CERTAINLY. I agree that happens in Lacrosse at a young age . Not once they get into 4th grade and above. A D! coach would never say anything that stupid. I would never want him to be my coach.

A D1 coach didn't say that. Read re-read the post dummy. And, by the way, nobody cares what a person that has no knowledge of lacrosse thinks. Zip it next time!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Everyone else

MADDY... where you been??? We missed your dumb posts!!

What you want to talk about, your best player on the planet again?? That's been pretty much beaten to death don't you think??

How about all of the rest of your holdbacks, which are now keeping your team of from entering the biggest tourney in your sons youth.

That's always a good one. Let's start there.... how "cheaters never prosper".

You go first...

Zero holdbacks on the team. But whatever makes you feel better whenever we destroy you guys.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Great. Glad to hear. I will totally take you on your word and good luck in Denver next in summer of 2019.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
What are you the the end all of lacrosse. You are the dumb [lacrosse] coach that wrote it. The worst advice I have seen to date. I doubt you ever played D 1 or coach. And if you played D1 lacrosse you would never say something that stupid as a coach . I feel bad for your teammates and the kids you coach in your little fantasy land. .. haha !!! that better DUMB [lacrosse]...

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Everyone else

MADDY... where you been??? We missed your dumb posts!!

What you want to talk about, your best player on the planet again?? That's been pretty much beaten to death don't you think??

How about all of the rest of your holdbacks, which are now keeping your team of from entering the biggest tourney in your sons youth.

That's always a good one. Let's start there.... how "cheaters never prosper".

You go first...

Zero holdbacks on the team. But whatever makes you feel better whenever we destroy you guys.

See you in Denver Maddy! Ooops, You and your band of sorry hold backs (and double hold backs, as the case may be) can't go. I totally forgot, they don't allow cheaters in the WSYL. Sorry to hear.

All of us on-age LI teams are going to have a blast, taking home the hardware yet again!!!!!

Hope you've learned a lesson from all of this... "cheaters never prosper!!"... you guys are scum of the earth. Was that too harsh???

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What are you the the end all of lacrosse. You are the dumb [lacrosse] coach that wrote it. The worst advice I have seen to date. I doubt you ever played D 1 or coach. And if you played D1 lacrosse you would never say something that stupid as a coach . I feel bad for your teammates and the kids you coach in your little fantasy land. .. haha !!! that better DUMB [lacrosse]...

Yes, compared to you and other clueless parents, I am the end all of lacrosse. Read and learn something. Then shut up.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To the dad that made the following post...

So, the smallest kids, (which usually are the coaches sons) for the most part play which position???
While the larger kids can play anywhere on the field..
Size and athleticism has everything to do with it. You can't teach those attributes but you can teach stick skills and IQ.
If size didn't matter why would the smallest kids all be huddled at attack??

Here's my response to you...

Dude, you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. You are saying only the smallest kids play attack. Let's look at the top 3 LI teams. In no special order, they are Taz, WP and Express. The starting attack for each of those teams have at least one big player on it, if not two. This is fact. If your son plays for one of these teams, which I'm sure he does, you must already know this. Taking these three teams as examples, approximately half of the attackman are larger kids. So, you are completely wrong when you say only the small kids play attack. That begs the question... why are you making that statement if it is not true?? That's simple. You are obsessed with your jealousy of small talented players, because you perceive them to be getting all of the glory, and taking that glory position away from your son who is a bigger kid, playing defense. That sound about right. You bet it does! I'm willing to bet that you are a jealous defenseman's dad from Taz, which really narrows it down for anyone who is trying to figure out who you are. I've heard there is a lot of that going on with Taz. And the comment about coaches sons playing attack, totally gave you away!! Your son is one of the bigger kids and you perceive that his size equates to ability and lacrosse IQ. But you have never played the sport, so you really have no idea. It doesn't. So, he is stuck with a pole in his hand. Not everyone can be an attackmen, like not everyone can be a quarterback. In order to make a lacrosse team work, you need good solid defenders. In football, you need a good solid line. Bottom line for you: Get use to it. It's probably never going to change. Value the defenseman position for it's important contribution to the team, and don't belittle it, just because there isn't a lot of glory associated with it.

I love how Express keeps associating themselves with WP & Taz as the top teams in LI....

If the discussion is about the top three teams on LI, then Express is part of the conversation. Obviously. If it's about the top two teams, then they are not part of the conversation, yet. Not an Express parent.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous]Every top team (Taz, 91MD, Bethesda) has at least one defender that is the same size as Madlax's middie. If the Madlax middie played D, nobody would say a word. When he dominates in the offensive zone, everyone starts hating on him claiming he has an unfair size advantage. If you ever get the opportunity to hang out with Myles Jones, he will tell you similar stories. When Myles (like Paul Rabil) switched from basketball to lacrosse, his coaches gave him a long pole and told him he couldn't play offense. For the sake of the game, I am glad he proved them wrong. When youth coaches take all the little kids and give them short sticks, and give all the big kids long poles. They are robbing the game of some of the best offensive players.
wow . He is a good player , let's not get crazy .

Listen up jealous, big-kid dad. You obviously never played lacrosse. Let me tell you how lacrosse works, as a 15 year youth coach and former D1 player. The best players play attack. The good players play midfield. The least best (worst) players play defense. Size doesn't have much to do with it. There are plenty of big attackman out there, in case you haven't been paying attention. News flash: Your kid just aint good!!!

Sounds like you been coaching 15 yrs too long, attack is where you hide your weakest players, middies are the true work horses of the team and defense combined with solid middies wins games. Any knowledgable d1 coach or player will tell you the same

I am a knowledgeable coach and former D1 player, and I am not telling you that. You are an ignorant dad who never played the game. You know nothing except what some other dad told you, who is in your same position.

LISTEN UP!!! You really think that High Schools teams are hiding players on attack?? You think college teams are hiding players on attack?? You think top level youth teams are hiding people at attack??

Players that need to be hidden don't play!!!

You obviously talked to a youth town coach for a team that was either VERY young or VERY bad. On such teams, yes, you can hide people at attack. However, once you get past that early youth stage, the most skilled, best offensive players get moved to attack. Why? If these are your best scorers and play makers, you want to keep them in a place where they can do you the most good for the team. It's common sense. You want your best players on the field at all times. If your best players are playing midfield, then a good majority of the time, they are NOT EVEN ON THE FIELD, or they are playing defense or in transition... NOT in a position where they can do the most good for the team... in the offensive zone, scoring.

if you don't know anything about the subject matter, keep your mouth shut!

Think of it this way, defenders are the lineman of lacrosse. In football, the skill players play quarterback, receiver and running back. Everyone wants to be the quarterback, but very few ever get the opportunity. In lacrosse, the skill position is attack. The less-skilled position (relatively speaking) is defense. This is not a debate. Not trying to be a wise-a$$ here. It is what it is. If you are just finding this out now, then you really have not been paying attention.

Having played attack at D1 college and midfield in high school, I can honestly say midfield was the most physically and mentally challenging of the two. As far as skills , I came to attack with the same skill set, just needed to make adjustments in the way I played and wound up being the leading scorer on our team. Let's just call it for what it is, attackmen have an inherent advantage when it comes to scoring, to say they are more skilled on a whole however, is nonsense..

Son, you have ALOT to learn.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What are you the the end all of lacrosse. You are the dumb [lacrosse] coach that wrote it. The worst advice I have seen to date. I doubt you ever played D 1 or coach. And if you played D1 lacrosse you would never say something that stupid as a coach . I feel bad for your teammates and the kids you coach in your little fantasy land. .. haha !!! that better DUMB [lacrosse]...

Yes, compared to you and other clueless parents, I am the end all of lacrosse. Read and learn something. Then shut up.

I don't know... constantly telling people to shut up coupled with the out of control arrogance makes you seem a little desperate for respect?

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Pure genius, this guy. lol. Middies need endurance. That’s your contribution here?? Profound stuff!! Eye roll!!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
How many of you guys have full-on tat sleeves? 50%? 60%?

LOL. We can smell/see you guys a mile away. Feel fortunate we weren't playing our best in DE and you made it somewhat close.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What are you the the end all of lacrosse. You are the dumb [lacrosse] coach that wrote it. The worst advice I have seen to date. I doubt you ever played D 1 or coach. And if you played D1 lacrosse you would never say something that stupid as a coach . I feel bad for your teammates and the kids you coach in your little fantasy land. .. haha !!! that better DUMB [lacrosse]...

Yes, compared to you and other clueless parents, I am the end all of lacrosse. Read and learn something. Then shut up.

I don't know... constantly telling people to shut up coupled with the out of control arrogance makes you seem a little desperate for respect?

I highly doubt that you have been paying attention here, but this topic originated with a bunch of defenseman dads who never played the game, but think they are experts, bashing “little” “coaches” sons Attackman.

While this is never talked about, this is the reality of the game. Everyone that actually played, knows this.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous]Every top team (Taz, 91MD, Bethesda) has at least one defender that is the same size as Madlax's middie. If the Madlax middie played D, nobody would say a word. When he dominates in the offensive zone, everyone starts hating on him claiming he has an unfair size advantage. If you ever get the opportunity to hang out with Myles Jones, he will tell you similar stories. When Myles (like Paul Rabil) switched from basketball to lacrosse, his coaches gave him a long pole and told him he couldn't play offense. For the sake of the game, I am glad he proved them wrong. When youth coaches take all the little kids and give them short sticks, and give all the big kids long poles. They are robbing the game of some of the best offensive players.
wow . He is a good player , let's not get crazy .

Listen up jealous, big-kid dad. You obviously never played lacrosse. Let me tell you how lacrosse works, as a 15 year youth coach and former D1 player. The best players play attack. The good players play midfield. The least best (worst) players play defense. Size doesn't have much to do with it. There are plenty of big attackman out there, in case you haven't been paying attention. News flash: Your kid just aint good!!!

Sounds like you been coaching 15 yrs too long, attack is where you hide your weakest players, middies are the true work horses of the team and defense combined with solid middies wins games. Any knowledgable d1 coach or player will tell you the same

I am a knowledgeable coach and former D1 player, and I am not telling you that. You are an ignorant dad who never played the game. You know nothing except what some other dad told you, who is in your same position.

LISTEN UP!!! You really think that High Schools teams are hiding players on attack?? You think college teams are hiding players on attack?? You think top level youth teams are hiding people at attack??

Players that need to be hidden don't play!!!

You obviously talked to a youth town coach for a team that was either VERY young or VERY bad. On such teams, yes, you can hide people at attack. However, once you get past that early youth stage, the most skilled, best offensive players get moved to attack. Why? If these are your best scorers and play makers, you want to keep them in a place where they can do you the most good for the team. It's common sense. You want your best players on the field at all times. If your best players are playing midfield, then a good majority of the time, they are NOT EVEN ON THE FIELD, or they are playing defense or in transition... NOT in a position where they can do the most good for the team... in the offensive zone, scoring.

if you don't know anything about the subject matter, keep your mouth shut!

Think of it this way, defenders are the lineman of lacrosse. In football, the skill players play quarterback, receiver and running back. Everyone wants to be the quarterback, but very few ever get the opportunity. In lacrosse, the skill position is attack. The less-skilled position (relatively speaking) is defense. This is not a debate. Not trying to be a wise-a$$ here. It is what it is. If you are just finding this out now, then you really have not been paying attention.

Having played attack at D1 college and midfield in high school, I can honestly say midfield was the most physically and mentally challenging of the two. As far as skills , I came to attack with the same skill set, just needed to make adjustments in the way I played and wound up being the leading scorer on our team. Let's just call it for what it is, attackmen have an inherent advantage when it comes to scoring, to say they are more skilled on a whole however, is nonsense..

Lets use your example, whether it’s actually true or not. You have an “inherent advantage when it comes to scoring.” Is that luck? Karma? No. You have lacrosse skills that are better than everyone else. Do you play defense? Of course not. Did you play midfield. Yes, but you were so skilled you were moved to attack. Perfect example. Enough said. You want your best players where they can do the most good for your team. And you don’t want them off the field. Ever.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Thank you for that expert commentary, Lax mom.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
IMO, most attackmen were once midfielders that showed a high aptitude for getting to the net. Maybe it's their fast first step and ability to beat a defender. Maybe it's their quick release and ability to place the ball. I'm not saying they're better than midfielders, they are just much better scorers. Now, if you can find an attackman that is great on ground balls, assists as well as he scores, rides hard and causes turnovers, then that kid is probably the most valuable player on the team.

And to say defenders are not skilled shows a complete lack of knowledge about the sport. It's just a completely different skillset, and for the most part, they are just really tough SOB's (metally and physically) that have a drive to stop players.

Defenders have a “completely different skill set?” Yeah. They play defense. Their lacrosse skills, not so much! Exactly!

And, they are”just really tough SOB’s”?? Really?? That’s why they play defense?? I don’t think so. They have been playing that position since 2nd grade when the coach said, here kid, take the pole, you arent keeping up with the rest of the kids, so you are playing pole. He never actually told the child that, but that’s what happened. There are no “tough SOB’” in 2nd grade! Sorry!!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.
do not even listen to that DOPE. HAS NO CLUE....

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What are you the the end all of lacrosse. You are the dumb [lacrosse] coach that wrote it. The worst advice I have seen to date. I doubt you ever played D 1 or coach. And if you played D1 lacrosse you would never say something that stupid as a coach . I feel bad for your teammates and the kids you coach in your little fantasy land. .. haha !!! that better DUMB [lacrosse]...

Yes, compared to you and other clueless parents, I am the end all of lacrosse. Read and learn something. Then shut up.

I don't know... constantly telling people to shut up coupled with the out of control arrogance makes you seem a little desperate for respect?

I highly doubt that you have been paying attention here, but this topic originated with a bunch of defenseman dads who never played the game, but think they are experts, bashing “little” “coaches” sons Attackman.

While this is never talked about, this is the reality of the game. Everyone that actually played, knows this.


Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.
do not waste your time. You are having a debate with a MORON!!!

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Spot boy was a high tier middie and the Goalie was getting shelled. Moved him to D and clears go way up and goals go way down. Hmmmm

What does the shirt say? Offense wins games, Defense wins Championships?

I understand there is a shirt that says, chicks dig goal scorers, but let's give the poles some love!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

You are lying, or you don't have a clue of what you are looking at when you watch a lacrosse game. That has NEVER happened. I'm done beating the dead horse. If you want to refuse to acknowledge reality, that's completely up to you. Maybe your fantasy world is a better place for you. The reality is, your son will likely always be a defenseman, if he chooses to continue playing this sport. There is no shame at all in playing defense. They are extremely valuable contributors to every team. But stop bashing the people that play attack, which is what sparked this whole tirade. Your pole aint never going to play attack. You know why?? he aint good enough!! Get use to it.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How many of you guys have full-on tat sleeves? 50%? 60%?

LOL. We can smell/see you guys a mile away. Feel fortunate we weren't playing our best in DE and you made it somewhat close.


Mad Daddy, we need to catch up...

You and your holdbacks have a tourney this weekend?

We're going to miss you in Denver next year. How about you just leave all of your hold backs home and go anyway?? It would be fun!

If it were up to us here on LI, we'd tell you to bring all of your hold backs... doesn't matter to us. We're all use to Madlax cheating. You guys have always been cheaters since day one, right Mad daddy?!! Nothing different for us. Either way, your little hold backs would go home crying, so maybe it's not such a good idea.


Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

You are lying, or you don't have a clue of what you are looking at when you watch a lacrosse game. That has NEVER happened. I'm done beating the dead horse. If you want to refuse to acknowledge reality, that's completely up to you. Maybe your fantasy world is a better place for you. The reality is, your son will likely always be a defenseman, if he chooses to continue playing this sport. There is no shame at all in playing defense. They are extremely valuable contributors to every team. But stop bashing the people that play attack, which is what sparked this whole tirade. Your pole aint never going to play attack. You know why?? he aint good enough!! Get use to it.

You can deny it all you want, but I don't need to make it up. In the most prominent case, it was a kid who was starting at attack or middie on a U- national team, and he switched to pole mid-season. And for the record, my sons are both middies. But, please continue to act like a sanctimonious [lacrosse].

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How many of you guys have full-on tat sleeves? 50%? 60%?

LOL. We can smell/see you guys a mile away. Feel fortunate we weren't playing our best in DE and you made it somewhat close.


Mad Daddy, we need to catch up...

You and your holdbacks have a tourney this weekend?

We're going to miss you in Denver next year. How about you just leave all of your hold backs home and go anyway?? It would be fun!

If it were up to us here on LI, we'd tell you to bring all of your hold backs... doesn't matter to us. We're all use to Madlax cheating. You guys have always been cheaters since day one, right Mad daddy?!! Nothing different for us. Either way, your little hold backs would go home crying, so maybe it's not such a good idea.


Madlax has zero holdbacks. Have fun in Denver playing terrible teams and wasting your money. With the money you're wasting, you could have gotten another leg tat.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.
do not waste your time. You are having a debate with a MORON!!!

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.
do not waste your time. You are having a debate with a MORON!!!

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.
do not waste your time. You are having a debate with a MORON!!!

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

Defenders don’t need to throw, catch strong and weak or dodge? I guess that’s true if they don’t want to clear the ball

Spot boy was a high tier middie and the Goalie was getting shelled. Moved him to D and clears go way up and goals go way down. Hmmmm

What does the shirt say? Offense wins games, Defense wins Championships?

I understand there is a shirt that says, chicks dig goal scorers, but let's give the poles some love!

High tier midi, aye?? First, who other than you, a Lacrosse neophyte, considers him a high tier midi? Let me explain your situation. Seen it a million times. Your son is on a bad team. The defense is dreadful. Your son is a D midi, who scores maybe a goal or two a season. But he plays decent defense. Since he provides no productivity on offense, the D midi gets moved to pole defense. Happens all the time with bad teams with horrible defenses.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

You are lying, or you don't have a clue of what you are looking at when you watch a lacrosse game. That has NEVER happened. I'm done beating the dead horse. If you want to refuse to acknowledge reality, that's completely up to you. Maybe your fantasy world is a better place for you. The reality is, your son will likely always be a defenseman, if he chooses to continue playing this sport. There is no shame at all in playing defense. They are extremely valuable contributors to every team. But stop bashing the people that play attack, which is what sparked this whole tirade. Your pole aint never going to play attack. You know why?? he aint good enough!! Get use to it.

You can deny it all you want, but I don't need to make it up. In the most prominent case, it was a kid who was starting at attack or middie on a U- national team, and he switched to pole mid-season. And for the record, my sons are both middies. But, please continue to act like a sanctimonious [lacrosse].

If a midi got moved to defense it is because he was a D midi and had no offensive ability. And the team was really hurting for defenseman. If you haven’t played the game, you haven’t a clue of what you are talking about. So listen to the people that know and zip it.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

You are lying, or you don't have a clue of what you are looking at when you watch a lacrosse game. That has NEVER happened. I'm done beating the dead horse. If you want to refuse to acknowledge reality, that's completely up to you. Maybe your fantasy world is a better place for you. The reality is, your son will likely always be a defenseman, if he chooses to continue playing this sport. There is no shame at all in playing defense. They are extremely valuable contributors to every team. But stop bashing the people that play attack, which is what sparked this whole tirade. Your pole aint never going to play attack. You know why?? he aint good enough!! Get use to it.

Good luck with the god complex

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How many of you guys have full-on tat sleeves? 50%? 60%?

LOL. We can smell/see you guys a mile away. Feel fortunate we weren't playing our best in DE and you made it somewhat close.


Mad Daddy, we need to catch up...

You and your holdbacks have a tourney this weekend?

We're going to miss you in Denver next year. How about you just leave all of your hold backs home and go anyway?? It would be fun!

If it were up to us here on LI, we'd tell you to bring all of your hold backs... doesn't matter to us. We're all use to Madlax cheating. You guys have always been cheaters since day one, right Mad daddy?!! Nothing different for us. Either way, your little hold backs would go home crying, so maybe it's not such a good idea.

Madlax has zero holdbacks. Have fun in Denver playing terrible teams and wasting your money. With the money you're wasting, you could have gotten another leg tat.

Save the lies mad daddy, it’s killing your credibility up here. The MD dads have already been on here filling us in on you.

Hey mad daddy. How come your jolly green giant midi doesn’t play on age? The rest of your hold backs aren’t so noticeable but that kid sticks out like a sore thumb! Hard to hide a kid that is two feet taller than everyone else, and drives to practices. Are the parents afraid he might get his feelings hurt when he sucks playing against kids his own size?? He must have a HUGE confidence problem, if he has to play against dwarfs.

Is that why ALL of your holdbacks play on your team?

I’m just curious, because I don’t know any holdbacks, so i was wondering what the motivation was. I really appreciate any insights you can give us. Thanks!!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

And that concludes our first edition of LACROSSE FOR DUMMIES - Defense 101.

I trust that you found it both informative and entertaining.

Stay tuned for next weeks edition: Goal Tenders: Fact & Fiction.

You’re not going to want to miss that one!!

Until then... LAX-ON my brothers!!!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Try putting weak players at Def... Then you will see how good your goalie is.. Each position on the field has attributes that will draw certain players to it. The only thing I will concede is that your middies need the most endurance of the positions.

Weaker skilled kids don’t mean they are weak defenders. Try to stay up here. They are weaker on the Lacrosse skills of passing, catching, off hand, shooting, dodging and IQ. That doesn’t mean they can’t be strong defenders. Those skills just aren’t that important for defenseman.

I've see more than a few players who were heads and shoulders the most talented and skilled player on the field at ANY position, and then decide to take up a a pole and be a defenseman.

You are lying, or you don't have a clue of what you are looking at when you watch a lacrosse game. That has NEVER happened. I'm done beating the dead horse. If you want to refuse to acknowledge reality, that's completely up to you. Maybe your fantasy world is a better place for you. The reality is, your son will likely always be a defenseman, if he chooses to continue playing this sport. There is no shame at all in playing defense. They are extremely valuable contributors to every team. But stop bashing the people that play attack, which is what sparked this whole tirade. Your pole aint never going to play attack. You know why?? he aint good enough!! Get use to it.

You can deny it all you want, but I don't need to make it up. In the most prominent case, it was a kid who was starting at attack or middie on a U- national team, and he switched to pole mid-season. And for the record, my sons are both middies. But, please continue to act like a sanctimonious [lacrosse].

If a midi got moved to defense it is because he was a D midi and had no offensive ability. And the team was really hurting for defenseman. If you haven’t played the game, you haven’t a clue of what you are talking about. So listen to the people that know and zip it.

The kid was a leading scorer on his club team before he moved to pole - a team that he still plays with, and is one of the best in the country - the kid would be the best at any position on the field if he wanted to play it. You can deny it all you want,.but the facts are all in conflict with every one of your assumptions. Considering he did all of this both on a top LI club team AND with a national U- team. Keep reaching . . .

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The kid was a leading scorer on his club team before he moved to pole - a team that he still plays with, and is one of the best in the country - the kid would be the best at any position on the field if he wanted to play it. You can deny it all you want,.but the facts are all in conflict with every one of your assumptions. Considering he did all of this both on a top LI club team AND with a national U- team. Keep reaching . . .

Same thing is true on a 2021 team in DC area. Best kid on team. Leading scorer with pole. Takes FO and is on man-up team. Incredible to watch. By far, the most exciting player on the field.

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The kid was a leading scorer on his club team before he moved to pole - a team that he still plays with, and is one of the best in the country - the kid would be the best at any position on the field if he wanted to play it. You can deny it all you want,.but the facts are all in conflict with every one of your assumptions. Considering he did all of this both on a top LI club team AND with a national U- team. Keep reaching . . .

Same thing is true on a 2021 team in DC area. Best kid on team. Leading scorer with pole. Takes FO and is on man-up team. Incredible to watch. By far, the most exciting player on the field. .


Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018

Originally Posted by Anonymous

And that concludes our first edition of LACROSSE FOR DUMMIES - Defense 101.

I trust that you found it both informative and entertaining.

Stay tuned for next weeks edition: Goal Tenders: Fact & Fiction.

You’re not going to want to miss that one!!

Until then... LAX-ON my brothers!!!

As a Lax mom, i appreciate all of your valuable insights. You are quite the authority on the subject. I have learned a lot. Thank you! BTW. You sound really hot! What do you look like?? 😍

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous

And that concludes our first edition of LACROSSE FOR DUMMIES - Defense 101.

I trust that you found it both informative and entertaining.

Stay tuned for next weeks edition: Goal Tenders: Fact & Fiction.

You’re not going to want to miss that one!!

Until then... LAX-ON my brothers!!!

As a Lax mom, i appreciate all of your valuable insights. You are quite the authority on the subject. I have learned a lot. Thank you! BTW. You sound really hot! What do you look like?? 😍

Well thank you. Glad to be of assistance!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous

And that concludes our first edition of LACROSSE FOR DUMMIES - Defense 101.

I trust that you found it both informative and entertaining.

Stay tuned for next weeks edition: Goal Tenders: Fact & Fiction.

You’re not going to want to miss that one!!

Until then... LAX-ON my brothers!!!

As a Lax mom, i appreciate all of your valuable insights. You are quite the authority on the subject. I have learned a lot. Thank you! BTW. You sound really hot! What do you look like?? 😍

Well thank you. Glad to be of assistance!

Hey D hating troll, you really need to get out of your momas basement. I know who you are now, most normal folks have seen you before. Total loser!

Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Jon and Frank are pretty bad too. No need to bad mouth other people's kids.

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