Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I also worked hard and can pay the tuition and as such there is no financial aid or discount when it comes to college--(that said, my oldest did receive both lax money and academic money for about half). However, rather than feel sorry for myself and begrudge some kid the opportunity to go to school with the help of financial aid, I feel blessed and lucky to be in the position I am in.

So for the jackwagon who is bitching about the fact that some kids are getting for free what he has to pay for, grow up. If you are as successful as you claim to be, then you know that half of life is luck. Put yourself in the best position to succeed and then work hard and hope for the best.

I know plenty of geniuses that lost it all when Bear, and Lehman tanked, through no fault of their own. I know plenty of very well paid senior managers that are where they are because a chance they took paid off.

So stop patting yourself on the back and thank god you have the ability to pay out of pocket and give your kid the best possible chance to put him/her in a position to also be successful/lucky...

This country is so upside down, you actually feel guilty for your own success! Well guess what? I don't. I also don't feel I owe anyone anything either. The government takes way more than a 4 year private degree from me every year in taxes, so I'm doing more than my part to help out those who need it. I also donate nearly a half years tuition to my town and local school district for the privilege of putting the key in my front door. My father fought in WWII for this country, for the opportunities and freedoms it used to afford. Hard work and success were things that were held in high regard. They weren't punished by progressive taxation. If you couldn't afford college, you worked and went to night school. You didn't look for a handout. The reason these schools cost $60k a year is because of the third party pay system set up by the government. So please, save your holier than thou drivel for someone who gives a sh=t. Now go see if you can find a way to vote again for this Ivy League Educated ZERO running this once great country.

I guess you spent so much time working that you missed the day at school when they talked about having class and being tactful. You are everything wrong with our country.

Yeah... we highly taxed self made business owners who create high paying jobs for people, we really are everything that's wrong with this country. Thanks for pointing that out.