Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here are the facts, I was not at t3 ,yj website does not list a team attending other than 2015 blue,t3 website lists no other yj team attending,your statement that some team on the schedule was listed as yj is false according to t3 tournament schedule listed on line, looking at t3 handout on line shows a team with girls from yj but not all and from multiple teams.At this point it does not show them playing steps so not sure if this is team you are talking about.It does s how them playing your liberty team and beating them fairly easily.I am not saying a yj team was not there but you who were at the tournament should be able to say which 2016 team it was.All that was asked for was some info but you provided none.By the way who won the tournament and what were the scores if you know any in the playoffs if you were actually there.

Semi-Finals was:
Steps Elite vs. Yellow Jackets
Tri State vs. Team Elevate

I left before the finals but I know Steps was playing Elevate.