MM #1 interest in is building his brand. He knew to stay relevant in his cash cow business of running camps he needs to stay relevant so he's marketing the heck out of his kids. They are both great players with a level of training and support afforded few athletes. He knew there was incredible value in being the #1 recruit which is why when it became evident that little #9 didn't have a chance at being #1 in 2022, he was reclassed to '23. Not for the players sake, but for the marketing value. He's a businessman first. The younger one was on a path to being close enough to the top of his class that they could get him there with the added exposure from the MM marketing machine. He now has 6 more years of relevancy and then he'll begin to hand the family business over to his kids like most of you plan to do with your businesses. Look for him to part ways with 91, possibly passing the reigns to AS. Camps and Events will bring in the $$. He has no interest in youth teams, but I look for him to start a "Project 9" elite club program with only HS aged teams and little Millon's coaching. It will be an elite national level team with recruited players and you won't hear about "developing players" Parents will will pay top $ with less drama and turnover in hopes of them marketing their player and his all important #9 will be highlighted rather than some "lesser player's" (in his mind) number.