Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There’s still bitterness from the group that went to Turtles - been bashing the Rebels every chance they get. All to make their own poor decisions look good. Enjoy your time with another new club, meanwhile the Rebel org has thrived without you and your trashy sideline behavior. The posts were written to provoke a response - keep typing back and forth to yourself, noone will bite. The Rebels are like any other 11 year old team, not perfect, but all willing to put in the work to get better, with a staff that can get them there.

Let this be a PSA to anyone who may consider being a the rebels. This group is out of control, nasty and classless. They have entered into a league of their own. As someone posted earlier kids left several other programs all over the island and nobody said a word! This is beyond absurd behavior and needs to stop.

Seems like a decent response, why so enraged?