Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why don't you guys go to your head coach at rage and ask him a simple question.....why did he ask this kid to play for rage . Yes, your head coach called the kids father and begged for him to play with rage that is an undisputed fact . So he can play for rage but not against rage ? You guys are really something else .

But hey , go to your tryout again and okay second fiddle to machine yet again....then make excuses when you lose then rinse repeat . Priceless

I rather pay and play for a 1 age Team in a Organization instead of express and 91’s 2nd and 3rd team . When are parents going to wake up ? Is it the STATUS thing ? Yes

I don’t think so I mean yes 4K is crazy for a 3rd team I mean even a 1 team still a crazy price .. but what happens when little Johnny becomes good friends with all the kids and parents get along you try to keep him there instead of bouncing him around . If the parents aren’t complaining about the price tag than who cares