Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’d like to see where you are pulling birthdays from. All of Manning’s girls are 2026 graduates.Your attempt to try and slander 12 -13 year old athletes is shameful. Your. Child clearly 1) couldn’t make Manning’s team. Or 2) was beaten by Manning & you can’t accept it. They are a great team & very fun to watch.

“2026 graduate” is ambiguous with respect to age

And pulling actual birthdays isn’t that hard if you work in or around the business. Think how many waivers and registrations you have all filled in in the past year?

I would never call individual kids out and I have no idea who the original poster referenced , but there are few kids who probably should be playing for spalina or janneli on that team. But the rules are the rules and im sure every family had their own reasons.

either way its still a top team with a great coach

if you want to debate calendar vs. graduation year there is a whole separate thread for that