WOW REALLY!!! Just stop already with your “ conversation done “ comment. We all know your a Parent, Coach or Administrator for the Legacy team and you want to promote them.
We all want to think our kids are on the best lacrosse teams on the island. Even Empire parents have that pipe dream LOL..

When checking into your Club Rankings i also see that the 2023 girls club teams have already been ranked for the Pre 2020 season. Let’s NOT forget that most teams haven’t even had tryouts yet but the website already has the teams ranked. So check out the below rankings and if you actually know anything about the listed teams you will know that its complete B.S. No way would Legacy be ranked ahead of ANY of these teams. Have a chuckle with this one everyone and no I didn’t list everyone just the obvious teams.

#1 Legacy
#2 M&D Black
#7 Yellow Jackets
#11 CT Grizzlies
#14 Skywalkers
#19 Top Guns