Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

No. Sending a pole out on the faceoff to take out the opposing players that was dominating. That’s low. Allowing your players to run at a ref and scream in his face (curse or not). That’s low. These are actions that have been typical of that coach and those players for years. Their players have begun to take the personality of the coach. It’s a shame, because it’s the boys that will be hurt by their association with him and that team.
not true. Please, you can stuff your lies in a sac !! It’s clear you have a personal problem .

Yes, It is true, and time has finally caught up to him (coach). In first place, it's not like one person saying this, many have questioned his character over the years regarding the style of coaching he instilled in his team. Sunday was a bad look for HIM and HIM alone. Further, association with him? he has his steady marching band group, but they are slowly separating themselves from him. Finally, just keep in mind, he could be very disruptive if and when he becomes unhappy with his current travel team. (went to WSYL last year and still wasn't happy)

Is this guy from 91, Igloo, or Express?

Second team on your list.

His act got old, along with his pals.

The group of them left last year, I guess they couldn't control the narrative. After spending a season traveling to and from practices several times a week and thousands of dollars for the WSYL considering the amount of playing time, they decided to move on. I highly doubt if they are successful controlling the narrative with their new coach. Many clubs know their act, doesn't mean they won't try.