Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

This, from the the parent of one of the 35 holdbacks on the Madlax team. What are YOU teaching your son, you hipocrot?!

LOL. This sentence perfectly captures the Long Island parent. Uneducated, I-Roc drivining, leg-tat parent. The armpit of America.

"hipocrot". LOL.

That’s all you got? I was expecting more spin and lies. Guess we are finally past all that. By the way. What you got against classic muscle cars of the 70’s? Wish I had an IROC. That was an awesome car. Prob worth a ton of $’s now. But seriously, you need some new material. You been using the exact same line for years now. Wasn’t clever then. Definitely not clever now. Just stale and notIntelligent. C’mon now, put a little effort in it !