Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
No holdbacks on BBL 2024. Several of the kids are big and look older, but they are on age.

I don't really care one way or other , but the fact that BBL 2024 is holding an open tryout for the world seris team in February indicates otherwise

I disagree. there are only 2 teams in NJ, and one that no one knows, sending teams to the WSYL. Why wouldn't you hold a tryout to see what comes in? United, Patriot Elite, NJ Riot, Mad Dog are not sending teams. You pick up 5 to 8 kids from those teams and maybe BBL sends a team that goes over 500.

don't you think that sends a pretty bad message to the existing players? I don't know bbl directors from a whole in the wall, but to me, if your on age, and you tried out and made BBL elite, why would you now tell that kid, he is not welcome in Denver? plenty of kids for various reasons don't make the cutoff but are in 7th grade, and that's ok, find a replacement for that player

I don't know the director either. My guess, they are just looking to add players not replace. 13-year-old boys love the WSYL idea if BBL can pick up a couple of studs that play for other programs because they send a team to WSYL. That's called good marketing!

Keep in mind that you also have parents that do not want to spend the money on the trip, so even if a kid made the elite team, there may be reasons, money or otherwise, that they do not attend WSYL. Either way, putting a separate WSYL team together is not the best formula, the top teams at the event are usually teams that play together year round. Just ask the 91 or Express coaches how many practices their WSYL teams have before the tournament. The 91 Bandits are all on age and have played together for years, hard to compete with that level of experience.