I dont get why all the fuss about true blue and outlaws select. Both good teams. Are they top 5? No, and thered nothing wrong with that. Theres far more people and kids on teams 5 through 30 than there are 1 through 5. Sure most of the talk ends up being about the best teams. That's natural in sports and discussion. I'd bet most of the morons causing trouble on here are the same people. Same couple people bash bandits, same couple people bash outlaws, etc. Coming from a dad who's kids have been on teams across the spectrum, very good to bad. Currently my youngest is on a b team. He had the option of playing on this team with some friends, or on a better team where he didn't know anyone. He chose the "worse" team with his buddies.

I for one am looking forward to his tourney this weekend. Lunatics and all. Remember there are far more normal people out there.