My 2021 daughter was asked to both. She asked her older, committed friends about Nike and they all agreed that it was a great event but generated no leads with coaches. The earliest leads came during/after the following summer. She declined b/c we live in Maryland and the event required hotel stay(s) and travel over a holiday weekend. She accepted the UA event because it is local and combines Chris Robinson and UA. If it is not a great event yet, it will be.

If this is your first time doing this, try to keep your emotions in check and prioritize your time and money. I felt pressured to do everything with my first child. It worked out but many, many of his friends and peers are committed and they did not do Jake Reed, Maverick, Adrenaline, Philly Freshman, etc. They played in good tournaments with their club teams and their HS teams and their coaches worked hard on their behalf (they have to have an advocate who knows the coaching community.)

My 2c. Good luck.