The way my sons team was this summer most of those kids went in thinking they were set because of parent politics!! Team was a bust

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not every 'White' team is necessarily a "B" team within the organization. People let the colors influence them a little too much. I'd suggest doing research on the teams your son may be trying out for to see what type of success they had the previous season. And I wouldn't assume every team is set.

Correct, not every White team is a B team , but what org has the white team as the top team for that grade for the organization. Everything is relative

No, Colors should influence you a bit, why pay $1500+ for a B/C White Blue Grey purple team... to fund the A/top team, [lacrosse] no.

Buyer beware yes, know what the team you tried out for did the year before and find out what fits they may need.

Wouldnt it would be funny if all the teams changed their color schemes making all the white teams their A/top teams, why (because most orgs have a top team and most teams have reversable jerseys with white as a base - and if they dont they should)
No parent or child should ever go into a tryout thinking they are set, every child should go in knowing their abilities and where they stand (as parents we must be help our children understand, you work hard to earn your spot and sometimes your best isnt good enough)