Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Don't think it's quite that high on committed. Certainly MD and NW are active, and many of the top programs have a player or two verbaled, but it's not a super high number. The ND info is off, they along with the top academics have a slower process by design to look at academic info. ND's process is specific, and incorporates 1st year grades, etc to see if a player can even qualify.

If you are in MD or NY yes the top are verbaling, along with siblings in other states attending the same school as older sister. NJ, PA eyc the top have been identified and reached out to, but the process is still early.

Net net, it's always not as many as people would like to discuss, but if you're 2019 is a top player, she's been contacted by at least a few clubs by now. Doesn't mean it's late for anyone else, the process is fluid and you'll see much more conversation with a wider range of 2019's come spring and summer as evaluations continue.
agree with this. Probably 25 or so girls committed at this point in 2019 class best educated guess. Look at some of the club websites at you can get a sense plus from knowing a lot of lax families. In terms of Notre Dame, I highly doubt they have any 2019 commits. For the 2018s, they invited their top 9 recruits on September 5th of their sophomore year to visit for the weekend, including attending the Texas/ND football game. During the weekend, Coach Halphpenny made it very clear that these were their top recruits, they did not allow for commitments prior to this weekend as they wanted to watch all of the girls at least through the summer of their rising sophomore year and they wanted the recruits to have to come to campus for a entire weekend with their parents and spend a lot of time with the coaches, girls on the team, and with the other recruits. They said they realize many of their ACC competitors had already takend commits, but they felt this was the best approach for Ntore Dame. That is why I strongly don't think ND has taken any 2019s at this point. It goes against their philosophy.

Disagree in that I know a 2019 with an offer from ND. She hasn't committed so technically you are correct at least in her case, but the ball is in her court. Things have accelerated meaningfully with the 2019s vs the 2018s.