Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Oh get over it already!!!! Dollar bill is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. Move on. Sayville has great athletes which has been proven for years with Dollar bills sub par coaching. The program will continue to do well and will prob do better now that there is a coach who knows the game. STOP YOUR WHINING!!!!

Sir, Coach Doller had a big impact on our team last year. We beat Harborfields and SWR because of the coaching moves made by Doller. We were the same team but we had a different plan, and we won. I played for Coach and am now a Freshman playing at the next level. You are really wrong about Coach and I wish people like you knew what he did for us. Why are you so mad and happy that he is gone?

From the mouths of babes. The venom being spewed is a very sad commentary on a community that loves sports but can be manipulated by a very small minority. Thanks for your dedication Mr. Dollar, you will be missed.